Gene Messer Ford Amarillo can help you identify why your vehicle is shaking in idle.
As a driver, one of the unnerving feelings is when you notice your car vibrate when driving. Is it a nail in the tire, did a pothole damage my car suspension, or did I break the driveshaft? There are a few parts that could be the culprit as to why the car is vibrating, and the amount of the potential problems can vary greatly. The most common cause of the shuddering most often happens in the vicinity of your rims and tires. They plant the vehicle to the road, and if anything is a bit wonky, will notice. It could be a broken transmission or a broken control arm. These more major part failures might leave you with a broken vehicle on the side of the road.
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If you recently installed new wheels and tires, the vehicle vibrating could be from the tires that we not balanced correctly. Tire balancing ensures the weight of the tire and wheel is. If you notice the tire shuddering while you are driving, it could be an unbalanced tire. If the tires and wheels are balanced, but your car is still shaking, ensure the tire pressure is correct, and be sure to check if the lugnuts are completely tightened and make sure the tire pressure is correct. If your tires are causing the shudder, you should get it looked at immediately.
If the car vibrates when braking, that’s a pretty obvious indicator that you need to have the brakes looked at. The most obvious reason for your steering wheel shudder is worn rotors. When a driver pushes down on the brake pedal, brake pads squeeze the brake rotors to create friction which will then stop your car. If you want smooth braking, you need a smooth brake rotor surface. A warped rotor surface will shake when braking, like how a brick road feels bumpier than an asphalt highway. Other potential causes of the shaking include frozen brake calipers and damaged suspension components. If you notice your steering wheel start to wobble, bring it to us, and we’ll check it out.
If a car is shaking before you ever start driving, then you likely have broken car parts. The most common causes of a car shaking at idle are:
The Driveshaft has Gotten Worn – If damaged or not perfectly balanced, it may be the source of the shakes
CV joints That Have Failed – Working together with the drive shaft, cv joints get the engine power to the wheels and, if they are failing, can be the cause of the vehicle shaking.
Engine Mounts That Have Failed – As the name indicates, these components help mount the engine to the car. If they are damaged or broken, it can make your engine move around.
If you’ve felt a shudder in your vehicle, then bring it to us for an inspection. Our skilled technicians will find the reason for the shaking and get you back on the road.
Gene Messer Ford Amarillo is an ideal place to get Ford service in the Amarillo area. We happily service all vehicle makes and models. One of our factory-trained technicians will inspect your car or truck to determine if there are any needed repairs and will suggest the best resolution for you and your vehicle. Schedule your F-150 service online or in person today.